This evening we had the opening of our group exhibition in the former fire brigade’s building. A good crowd was there to hear only short speeches and to enjoy the images and conversations with us photographers. I am proud to say that the “forcole” were well recognized. Of course the large size of the prints effectuated a certain prominence by itself, but also the hanging in form of a square tableau gave some additional power.
Glad to hear it went well. The recognition given by the crowd is well deserved. Congratulations.
Markus, congratulation on your exhibition. It looks great from here. Just wish I could be there in person.
Markus, herzliche Gratulation … ein absolut verdienter Erfolg!
Da schließe ich mich doch gerne Walter an!
The venue seems to be perfect for exhibits. From what I can tell from the photos everything looks very professional.
Looks like a good turnout indeed. Plus I can’t help thinking everyone looks like they could be my relatives.
Cedric, Jeff, Walter, Martina, Carl: Thanks for all the congratulations! The opening went really well and the minor irritations on who’s going to place his images where were all forgotten then. Thanks to an introductory article in the local newspaper the number of guests was higher than expected, but thanks God the beer and sparkling wine did last.