I wish all of you a Merry Christmas / Seasons Greetings.
In these unmerry times it is definitely hard to stay full of hope, but then, this scenery reminded me that hope is probably more like a process – and in this way a permanent workzone.
So let us all hope that the sensible persons remain in / come in charge and that hatred and egoism go wherever they belong.
Schönes, passendes Bild mit kongenialem Text, dessen Inhalt ich vollumfänglich mittrage.
Dir und den Deinen alles Gute,
Danke, Uwe. (Selbst-)Motivation steht bei mir grad ganz hoch im Kurs.
Markus, I hope you had a Merry Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year for 2025!
Thank you for your good wishes, Earl, and I hope you had joyful holidays, too!