
X-Alp 2024 to Grado. Day 8: The End

Corso Italia, Trieste (OSM)

Trieste certainly is Italy’s number one city of coffee, so for me it was almost paradise…

The bike trip coming from Grado was unspectacular but unexpectedly dangerous: Cyclists on main roads are – as in most places – second class citizens. We had avoided such roads on the biggest part of our trip, but on the last day had thought to take it easy riding along the coast, hoping that the cars would prefer the parallel highway. Well, we survived, but my expletions were many.

The rainy evening was spent with feverish re-checking if the storm had left the train connections to our hometown intact, which it (almost) did.

So we took a last photo of our bikes in the harbour in the morning before hopping into the train.


So we did in total 469km (291 miles) during 36h on the bicycle in 8 days, totally climbing 3.377m (11079ft). The bikes were, while old, totally adequate, and we never had any technical problem.

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