A father-daughter tour, me on a bike that’s older than my daughter. Mind you, this is not going to be a super sport event, more likely an age and working situation adapted thing. So today we did 54km, climbed 520m and were sweating like pigs under a clear sky, with temperatures reaching 30 deg. Celsius.

I The iPhone has to do as camera, but honestly, the colors look badly oversaturated to me. Alas, I am not part of the majority with this opinion, I think.

Glad to see your great bike adventure is underway. Agree of course about the over saturation of most iPhone snaps, at least in strong sunlight. Some times in softer light they deliver a more peasing pallette. But it’s terrific for recording your bike trip.
Sehr cool. Freut mich, weil ich mache das mit meinen Sohn seit einigen Jahren auch. Und es ist toll! Habt viel Spaß.
What an incredible adventure and beautiful scenery! It’s made even more special by the fact that you were able to do it with your daughter. I look forward to following your progress and, hopefully, more photos.
I definitely count myself lucky to do this with my daughter. We had planned it already for 2022, but then I had my bicycle accident, and in 2023 I fell sick shortly before the start. But this year we did it!