Yes, sharpness is not optimal in this image, but the temperatures were at 30°C/86°F, so the air was shimmering.
This is a classical Bayer sensor recorded image, in postprocessing the blue channel was reduced a bit – something you would have achieved on film by using a yellow filter. The highlights in the roof of the church tower needed some extra treatment, similar to the burning action in the wet darkroom, but here I could use contrast enhancing manipulations as well.
Overall I am quite happy with the tonal range – neither for my eyes nor my mental recording techniques I see much improvement possible through a monochrome camera as currently discussed on “The Online Photographer“. To evaluate sharpness and detail resolution, this is certainly not the right image – the camera, a Sony A7ii, is from 2014, the lens certainly a lot older and athmospheric conditions were adverse, as said.
But for my kind of black and white photography with manual lenses, some of them old, it is currently the right tool – the only thing I am missing is a setting for square aspect ratio,