Of course the appalling situation in Ukraine influences my mood and with it the finding of a title for this post, which is a line from the “Ballad of Mack the Knife” out of Bertold Brecht’s “Three Penny Opera” .
Images should work without titles, no question, and titles can influence the reception by the viewer, but then I try to balance this, offering the “pure” image on the homepage, uncovering title and text only on the homepage.
But back to Ukraine: That the post-1989 development of the political landscape in Europe has effects on the USSR and its security concerns can not be denied. But nothing, nothing of this development gives reason for this aggression ordered by Putin and his crew, and he is personally to be held in responsibility when this war is over not only for all the atrocities against civilians committed in his name, but also for the absurd lies he used to veil his criminal and the law of nations violating orders.