Yes, Michael, Harare’s center is definitely crowded every afternoon – and this is not a rich, clean city center, but a bustling, striving, surviving part of a town on the brink: Zimbabwe’s oeconomy is in a desperate situation, and that feels and shows.
Looks a bit crowded and congested. The trash on top of the awning says a lot. As does the nicely dressed woman in the foreground.
Yes, Michael, Harare’s center is definitely crowded every afternoon – and this is not a rich, clean city center, but a bustling, striving, surviving part of a town on the brink: Zimbabwe’s oeconomy is in a desperate situation, and that feels and shows.
Pick & Drop Point und dann springt dieses gepunktete Schwarzweisskleid in mein Auge. Herrlich!
Zu sehen gab’s dort immer unglaublich viel – ich hab’ nur zu lange gebraucht bis ich mich getraut habe.