Landscape photography keeps fascinating me, in spite of not finding opportunities to do it myself. Maybe that was good, at least for the past, as I would probably have joined the ranks of superwideangleoversaturatedandsharpenedtodeathmaybeevenpseudohcrheroiclandscape image producers. Frank Gohlke’s book “Accommodating Nature” came just in time (so did the Adams’ “New West”, and even more “Beauty in Photography”), but now I feel the need to fill that void that the evaporated illusions have left.
I’m with you Markus, landscape photography fascinates me too. Unlike you I have opportunities to shoot it but I am rarely satisfied with the results. Unfortunately for me, neither Gohlke nor Adams have been any help. Anyway, let me say that this is an excellent photograph and is a worthy hommage to Gohlke. Of course Gohlke rarely had humans or even animals in his images (at least of those I’ve seen) but as such you have put your own spin on it. Brilliant.
Thanks, Cedric. Re. Adams, I think that by misunderstanding him, today’s landscape photographers draw the justification for those creepy oversaturated and idealized landscapes directly from his work (and he can’t defend himself anymore). Gohlke is much nearer to what I’ve learned to cherish, learning to see beauty wherever I go, un-learning to name and categorize “subject matter”. My image is a (maybe even to plump) reference to the title image of Gohlke’s “Accommodating Nature”, as you can see it here
Oh well done. Yes, your photo is a perfect hommage then. Good observation on Adams and in complete agreement about the un-learning to name and categorize. I started a post on that, well kind of related to that, but yes, the world takes on a new hue when we remove the labels. Not always easy though. At least not for me 🙂
Most probably it’s a life-long process, and I know from myself that there are quite some ups and downs in it – and I am unable to force it.
Fellpflege versus Rasenpflege.
Alle, die Deinen Hinweis ernst nehmen, können nur sagen: eine gelungene Variante von Gohlkes Titelbild.
Und darüber hinaus das Musterbeispiel einer Fokussierung, die der Momentaneität des Sichtbaren eine sinngebende Struktur verleiht.
Danke, Uwe! Das Bild kam als Geschenk zu mir, aber der Grund war bereitet. Wollen hätte ich es nicht können, aber immerhin habe ich es erkannt. Fotografieren hat definitiv seine mysteriösen – um nicht zu sagen mystischen – Seiten.