My webhoster had suffered from a DOS attack yesterday but recovered now, so I make use of the occasion to post two more pictures from the Biennale. The integration of the exhibition in the old Arsenale halls did work really well and provided real visual treats for me.
I really like the top image, the silhouetted objects and people create their own balance within the composition. Very artistic and graphic, especially as this is an exhibition where most shots of such things can be quite conventional.
Tony, this was certainly as impressive as it looks. I fear that I was wandering open-mouthed for more than an hour in the exhibition area. But this is no wonder, as for the Biennale they certainly assemble the best of the best.
Very nice tonalities in both shots evoke a sense of quiet. These would be fun to print.
I will certainly try to print these images, Tom, especially as the first still has details even in the brightest areas. I was truly amazed that the G3, which is not famous for its dynamic range, did work so well in this image.
Das erste Bild finde ich genial, Säulen soweit das Auge reicht, Säulen aus Stein und Menschen als Säulen, sogar der Feuerlöscher macht bei diesem Säulenreigen mit!
Danke, Walter! Bei der Ausstellungsgestaltung hat sicher jemand ein hervorragendes Händchen gehabt, aber die Feuerlöscher sind glücklicher Zufall – gut dass ich sie gesehen habe!