This post I am writing in the airport, a wee hour before departure to Harare, Simbabwe, where I will attend a workshop as a GIS expert, discussing with administrative staff and citizens of Harare the possibilities and necessities of using computerized geographic tools to build up a functioning administration for this big but crisis-ridden African City.
The Keiskamma Guernica is not by pure chance selected for today’s post. Zimbabwe is among the countries most plagued by HIV, and the work of the many carpet knitters of the carpet in the image transfers the devastations by German bombers in the historic Guernica to the immense grief HIV causes in contemporary Africa. I was struck with are when I encountered this image. But of course there were exceptions…
I will prepare another post for tomorrow as the flight time will be around 19h and I don’t know about the WLAN in the hotel. If all goes well I will resume posting on monday, if not, Saturday will me see back home and connected.
Have a nice trip!
The carpet really is very impressive.
I’ll do my best, Martina. The camera is always at hand, but at the moment in Dubai I am simply tired after a so called night with maybe 3.5h sleep…