An Tulan Cleasach, Bohoona East, (osm)
The title is referring to my post of a derelict basketball hoop in Croatia: “No Slam Dunks In Glavotok Any More”
An Tulan Cleasach, Bohoona East, (osm)
The title is referring to my post of a derelict basketball hoop in Croatia: “No Slam Dunks In Glavotok Any More”
Nice one Markus! I like how the hoops tilt downward.
There’s something terribly forlorn about a derelict basketball hoop. A certain feeling of joylessness, like the good times are in the distant past.
Thanks, Michael. I agree with your description of “forlorn” – it most probably has to do with the fact that these hoops usually are used by kids, they are allways assembly points, where life and spiritedness stem from. So when such a place gets unusable, deserted, the feeling of loss is even stronger.