The November wallpapers are ready for download from here.
The Cliffs of Moher are certainly one of Irelands biggest tourist attractions, and with this come the usual business-related inconveniences at the site itself. Nevertheless the sight is spectacular, and the rain at the time of my visit hindered me having to capture a pure postcard-kitschy scenery.
Speaking as one who has never been to Ireland or seen the poscards in question, I’d say this is indeed spectacular! IMO the weather conditions add a bit of drama to this, as well as bolstering my ill-informed perception of typical weather in Ireland.
Mike, it certainly was spectacular and, thanks to the weather, not too crowded. But I did like it better this way. Regarding the weather, we had our share of both, sunshine and rain, and often on the very same day. And as it was end of August, it was still pretty warm – we even got sunburnt one day.