With best regards to my friend Wolfgang a.k.a. chickenkiller, who has developed a special affinity for this kind of perspective.
With best regards to my friend Wolfgang a.k.a. chickenkiller, who has developed a special affinity for this kind of perspective.
Cool perspective – it’s an imposing looking balcony.
Thanks, John. In Prague you’ll find probably many such balconies – a treasure trove for someone with an eye for it!
The detail is a real attention-getter. Great image.
Chris, thanks. Were it not for my tight schedule with the family, I would have spent some more days there, wandering and wondering. If you ever get the chance to visit Prague, don’t hesitate a second!
Prague and Vienna are two of my bucket list. Third is Istanbul.
As Tyler Monson wrote in his reply to “Vodičkova”, Vienna is already on the side of perfection. Budapest is not yet… Istanbul I’ve never been, but it certainly is worth a visit. Only think of Ara Güler.