No, the kings were not fleeing. They headed through inclement weather to the cathedral for the final mass after their mission – singing, frankincensing and inscribing C + M + B on the browpieces – collecting donations for people in need.
Very intriguing photos, especially for us who are not as familiar with local tradition. The colors of the cloaks are grand agains the more subdued winter scene. Nicely done!
Thanks, Earl! A catholic state like Bavaria – rare in Germany – has lots of colorful (and incense-rich) traditions. Often this happens in the summer and allows those tourism-agency like blue-sky-and-costumes images. But in the winter it is often different.
Love the colors on the nearly monochrome background. Especially like the top photo.
We need your photography on our new, huge portal for sharing photography ideas, critiques, communities, contests, customization of your own page, and coming soon ecommerce.
Here is a link to my page at Maggie on Megashot I hope you can find the time to join us. And bring your friends. Its is free and fun at the moment, with no ads.
I really like your page, too and want to find more time to explore it.
wunderschöne Bilder, besonders das obere mit den satten Farben vor dem monochromen Hintergrund, der nachspürbaren Körperspannung unter den weiten Gewändern, den Fluchtspuren auf den richtungsgebenden Geraden: Heilig oder nicht heilig – nix wie weg von dem Sauwetter!
Very intriguing photos, especially for us who are not as familiar with local tradition. The colors of the cloaks are grand agains the more subdued winter scene. Nicely done!
Thanks, Earl! A catholic state like Bavaria – rare in Germany – has lots of colorful (and incense-rich) traditions. Often this happens in the summer and allows those tourism-agency like blue-sky-and-costumes images. But in the winter it is often different.
Love the colors on the nearly monochrome background. Especially like the top photo.
We need your photography on our new, huge portal for sharing photography ideas, critiques, communities, contests, customization of your own page, and coming soon ecommerce.
Here is a link to my page at Maggie on Megashot I hope you can find the time to join us. And bring your friends. Its is free and fun at the moment, with no ads.
I really like your page, too and want to find more time to explore it.
Margaret, thanks! That (almost) grey in grey proved to be the right vehicle to display how bad the weather was.
wunderschöne Bilder, besonders das obere mit den satten Farben vor dem monochromen Hintergrund, der nachspürbaren Körperspannung unter den weiten Gewändern, den Fluchtspuren auf den richtungsgebenden Geraden: Heilig oder nicht heilig – nix wie weg von dem Sauwetter!
Danke! Ich muss gestehen: Das hätte ich nicht so schön ausdrücken können.