This flock of houses I visit (irregularly) over probably a decade, from the very beginning of the construction up to now, where houses and gardens have melted into the older structures and become part of them. But fresh ideas are still visible and now leave a positive, less artificial impression than in the beginning. On the one hand this for sure is a question of familiarization, but as the whole situation is less ostentatious, details like this yellow door become welcome and are not part of something peregrine any more.
In a certain sense this also would hold true for the immigration debate here in Germany, where many of the (not only) petty bourgeois dart their common angst of social descent against the visible unfamiliar, closing perception and replacing percipience with prejudice: doors are not yellow, they never have been.
The fact is that the German society and economy would crash immediately after all immigrants of the last 40 years would have left. And I have no doubt that the same holds true for pretty much all states of the so-called first world.
It’s so embarrassing. Yesterday I thought about putting an “I didn’t vote for them” on my blog :-S
I think the core of the problem is that a certain kind of collective wants only simple solutions. And there are always politicians and wannabe intellectuals that tend to that crowd, only too willingly providing what is asked for. Bavaria was and is famous for that, unfortunately.