This is in a certain way a sentimental post: The Renault 4, or R4 as it was commonly called, was our first car, back in 1983. A robust vehicle with plenty of room for frequently moving students, a moderate appetite for the always expensive gasoline, and plenty of old fashioned technique that allowed (and needed) do-it-yourself repairs. The R4 was a successful vehicle with almost 10 millions sold, and production was stopped only after more than 30 years, with the last factories in Europe destroyed in the war on the Balkans. But in the former Yugoslavian states there are still a number of this cars earning their daily gas, appreciated for pretty much the same virtues that German students sought after, 30 years ago.
That this is a HDR image, converted under Linux with a lot of black magic, scripts, command line and all that, is certainly not visible. But I do like it exactly for this reason.
Markus, wonderful job in rendering this HDR — I would not have guess if you hadn’t told. That’s the way I most appreciate HDR, when you have to guess if it is or not. 🙂
It sounds like the R4 is one of those timeless machines, so functional they outlived all life expectations. A real classic!
Have a good weekend.
As Earl said: a HDR that has no HDR-look. Well done!
I myself have also a lot memories of cars like the R4 or the Citroen Deux Chevaux, first car I owned myself.
These memories are connected to youth, a strong feeling of freedom and an idea of a glorious future.
Oh, nostalgia …
Mit so einem sind wir früher in Urlaub gefahren, natürlich ohne Kindersitz wenn ich´s recht weiss ;-)).
Heisses Teil!
Very nice processing, indeed.
My first car was an R5, back in ’84. I loved it. I drove many kilometres on European roads with that car and a small tent. These cars were made for this sort of life, weren’t they? 🙂