Krk suffers as all tourist locations under the extreme oscillation of population. Permanent jobs are quite rare, and a lot of commuting traffic (or emigration) the inevitable consequence. But a small number of local companies tries to make use of the location, combining quarry stone houses on roman foundations and venetian sprinkles with newest technologies. And, as I found out just now, the center of Krk with its numerous caffés is a free WiFi zone.
I wonder which will survive longer, the servers or the buildings…
Oh, that is all just too wonderfully funny; both picture and background story.
Thank you for seeing, understanding, and sharing!
Juha, Taylor: I definitely love those tongue-in-cheek subjects, especially when the reveal themselves only slowly and to the scrutinizing eye. Re. the lifetime: They already started to improve the house with PVC windows, so the house around the IT infrastructure might change in a similar speed as the servers…