A quiet, snowy image again, after the last two more lively ones. I love the repeting forms here, not only of the wipers, but also the arcs, beginning from the canopy to the right, repeated in the bushes, over the cleft in the snow to the roofs of the small cars. Definitely not surprising as Paul Maxim demanded and substantiated for good reason here in his blog, but for me in its quiet harmony still fulfilling.
Now don’t sell yourself short, Markus. Humor can be just as “surprising” as anything else and I definitely see humor in the way the 3 sets of windshield wipers stick straight out. Just like they were standing at attention or something. I really like it.
Paul, you are of course right – essential element of humor is some mismatch, an antagonism of elements. I guess I was somewhat tired and worn out yesterday, with the brain working quite slow.