Beginning of spring was grey around here, which I didn’t mind as it kept my allergy at bay. I had my own kind of fun (a weird kind as my daughters would say) with the nets covering the facade of an old building of the Saline, which is currently renovated. Those subdued colors and the fine structure grabbed my eyes, and so I found beauty in the ordinary.
Markus, interesting subject and compositions that capture the subtle curves and folds of the netting. I especially like the softness of the light reflecting along the surface of the netting in the top photo. I’ve seen netting used here for safety during building renovations but perhaps not to this extent — sometime canvas is used as well.
Earl, the top photo was captured as the first one because I was grabbed by the change in brightness along this threedimensional splines that make up the surface. And as I like to keep my images simple I decided to show just a small collection of monothematic ones.