
brewery window, dachau

my stroll round dachau palace also led me to the brewery. the proximity to the palace itself is stunning, especially given the olfactoric annoyance a brewery can create. it seems though that the former rulers were not that sensible regarding smells.

brewery window, dachau(2) the brewery is now in a quite derelict state, not used any more. here in bavaria the structure of the beer business has completely changed in the last 3 decades, pretty much all the beer is produced by large companies. wherever there is still local beer, people do like it very much, but only some of them are willing to pay a higher price for it. and economies of scale of course work in favour of the big ones, selling “aktienblempel”. the latter is a colloquial term for low quality beer with a high return on interest, “aktie” being the german word for share.


  1. Windows are the building eyes and a path to their “soul”
    This one looks a bit tired 🙂
    Nicely done!

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