

    1. Thanks, Tom! I am a sucker for such images with an incomplete color palette like this one: no green, no red, but an image that is rich in many aspects.

  1. Great reflections in the glass and image through the glass. I didn’t know there are servants any more. Thought that mostly ended in the 20th Century.

    1. Jeff, that was of course tongue-in-cheek speak, but what you see in the picture is definitely the back door of that facility – the rich and beautiful, whom they try to sell that BMW attitude, use the portal at the front where they get greeted by the scent of gasoline and rubber, the main ingredients of “sheer driving pleasure”.

  2. Fahrvergnügen – I thought that was VW?? Nice reflections, though, in every sense of the word.

    1. Michael, VW is more simplistic: “The Car”. But the company is considering to rephrase it – “The Fraud” might be more appropriate :((

    1. So war’s gemeint, Walter. Wobei ja für die BMW-Bussi-Gesellschaft ganz wichtig ist, wer drinnen ist und wer draussen. So gesehen ist’s subversiv 🙂

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