Remember my obsession with doors in Prague? And in Vienna, and Budapest? Well, Munich has fine doors as well, as I learned when I was too early for a vernissage of giant Leica S2 images of giant Chinese cities.
Remember my obsession with doors in Prague? And in Vienna, and Budapest? Well, Munich has fine doors as well, as I learned when I was too early for a vernissage of giant Leica S2 images of giant Chinese cities.
Not ready yet to blame the Leica S2 and have no familiarity with the photographer (or is it a team of technicians?).
And I am always suspicious of make large prints, as if that will make them better, or more valuable.
Anyway, I find the photographs of Chinese cities to be almost totally devoid of heart or spirit, or life.
Not so with your images, thank goodness.
But take into account, Tyler, that you can sell large prints for similarly large prices – Esch asks 5900.- € per piece! And of course you get the attention of the media. Aah – the art market…
The Leica is certainly a fine tool, and it has the same weak spot as my tiny G3 – 10″ behind the viewfinder. When you detract the overwhelming effect of the large print, the images certainly loose a lot, and in their repetition in book form even more. What makes the large print at least partially interesting here, is that you can come really close and then discover traces of human life in some spots of those inhuman colossi.