In her comment to the last post, Martina pointed at the attempts of the people to make their environment more homely. This was probably the motivation, too, to set up this bird’s house in the front yard just 50m away from the scenery with the flower pots.
But in times of ubiquitous home improvement stores, this intended idyll can also be realised in the form of cast concrete lambs under geranium plants.
I think with the concrete lambs my rührung ends ;-).
Today I have been at my parents, a small village with relatively big estates, big gardens, big frontyards … and you could see exactly what garden decorations have been the special offers in the last weeks at ALDI … so I must say that this birdhouse is kind of original …
But aren’t these and the last photo showing some typical German habitats? 🙂
Have a nice long weekend (even if the most is over)!
Well, the rührung should be preserved: there definitely is something many people are missing but their only way of expression are ALDI decorations ore concrete lambs.
I am not sure if this is typical German: here in Croatia I will scrutinize the front yards and I guess I will find similar things – maybe not that uniform but at least this unhealthy mixture of new fashy materials and plants. And I could imagine to see this similarly in British, American, French etc. suburbs or dormitory villages.