
sludge or: winter wants to stay

the sludge in our driveway became the material for some experimenting with the saturation level: how much of color saturation can you remove and it still remains a color picture, giving a different expression than a real conversion to black and white. it was astonishing how far i could go.

sludge or: winter wants to stay(2) but winter does not want to go. in spite fo the kids’ easter decoration, the garden is still covered under 2″ of wet snow. at least the stamina of the hazels are, too, according to the bavarian saying: there is rarely a damage without some kind of profit going along…


  1. Martin, your experiment reminds me of how strong an impression of “color” can be seen in some platinum prints, which are of course monochrome. It’s largely because the chroma of the print varies with density: darks and lights are relatively neutral while mid-tones are warmer. I’ve done some interesting playing around with this to apply a subtle but useful treatment to scans from my large format negatives before making pigment-ink prints from them.

  2. You definitely have a nice view from your window! Looks like a nice play to be in summer…

    And you certainly have a colorful window decoration :))

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